March Madness Healthy Snack Ideas

Welcome to This Week's Edition of The Sage Space 

Hi welcome to this week’s Sage Space where we dive into the fascinating world of aging and longevity. 


This week kicked off March Madness for college basketball fans and the one thing I have always loved is that first round Cinderella story. Last week the unlikely Oakland Grizzlies upset a top seeded Kentucky! Watching the kids and players celebrating got me thinking about the underdogs in health and nutrition, like some of the most interesting and underappreciated superfoods! 


Have a wonderful week. 

Cathy Minter

Co-Founder and CEO



The Mighty Potato: A Tuber's Journey from Obscurity to Superfood The potato has played a pivotal role in human history, fueling explorers, kings, and entire civilizations. This humble tuber, originating from the Andean mountains over 7,000 years ago, once viewed with suspicion in Europe, became a dietary staple thanks to the cunning strategy of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier in the 18th century. He made it a symbol of exclusivity, tricking society into adopting it. Beyond its rich history, the potato packs a grain free punch with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber—proving that sometimes, the greatest heroes are the ones we overlook. 


Berry Interesting: How Berries Can Help You Age Gracefully Don't let their size fool you; berries are mighty warriors against aging. These small but mighty fruits are bursting with antioxidants, fighting inflammation, and protecting cells from damage. In Christian art, the raspberry is the symbol for kindness. The red juice of the berry is thought to represent the blood running through the heart, where kindness originates. They're also A brain food, potentially sharpening your memory. Whether it’s strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries, incorporating these into your diet can be a delicious strategy for supporting youthfulness and vigor. 


The Secret Life of Nuts: Cracking the Longevity Code – Nuts are packed with nutrients that promote a healthy heart and brain, making them invaluable allies in the quest for longevity. Did you know that almonds are part of the peach family? Almonds are actually seeds of the fruit of the almond tree. Just like peaches, they are a member of the rose family, and the almond tree even bears pretty pink and white flowers similar to peach trees. And if you’ve been down south in the Carolinas or Georgia, you may have run across an intriguing salty bag of “boiled peanuts” available at roadside farmstands -- secretly delicious!  


 “When you’re over the hill, that’s when you pick up speed.” – Quincy Jones 



As Dr. Seuss said “Oh, You have places to go and people to meet. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” The Spring is here and we need to enjoy traveling whether locally or far away. Do you have a shared travel app loaded on your phone? I use Uber/Lyft quite a bit. Being able to secure a ride any time keeps you independent. If you do not have an app on your phone think about it. It is very easy to use. Contact me through our newsletter and I will walk you through the process. 


Happy Spring!!! 


The Health Benefits of Nature


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