The Health Benefits of Nature

Welcome to The Sage Space 


Hello and welcome back! This week in Sage Space we're diving into the world of gardening and its benefits as we age. Growing up in New Jersey, my mom's springtime ritual of planting tomatoes left us with so many by fall that she'd sneak them into our lunchboxes, pretending they were apples! 25 years later, my own harvest of jalapeño peppers presented a unique challenge, as I couldn't quite employ the same tactic with my kids. 😊 


With spring's arrival, it's the perfect season to think about gardening. But rest assured if you don’t have outdoor space, studies  show that simply ‘being’ in the garden and having contact with nature is key to attaining the many positive therapeutic benefits.   


Have a wonderful week! 




Co-Founder & CEO


A Stroll in the Garden 

Gardening offers more than just a pastime; it boosts health, lifts spirits, and enhances social connections. I encourage you to visit a local garden or park this week. There's something rejuvenating about connecting with nature, beautifully summed up by the saying, "Life begins the day you start a garden." 

Check out this inspiring video talk on PBS from Mark Dwyer, a landscape manager, who shares insights on gardening through the years. Dwyer offers tips, tools, and techniques to make gardening accessible for all ages, emphasizing its power to bridge generations. Watch Here 


Fun Fact! 
During the World Wars, Victory Gardens not only supplemented food supplies but also became centers of social interaction and morale boosting. Some communities even held competitions for the best-maintained Victory Garden, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and pride. 


Indoor Gardens: Greenery Inside 
Don't have a garden? No worries. Indoor plants can brighten any space. Ask your garden center for recommendations suited to your home. What’s your favorite indoor plant? 


The Time for Herbs is Now 
Spring is ideal for planting herbs like basil, mint, and lemon balm. Not only do they add flavor to dishes, but they also offer health benefits, such as stress reduction. Spotlight on lemon balm - it's fantastic for brewing a calming tea and is known for its ability to improve sleep and ease anxiety. Its gentle, citrusy aroma can make any garden or home feel more tranquil and inviting. Which herbs do you enjoy growing? 


Quote of the Week: 

Betty White, with her trademark humor, once said on "Hot in Cleveland," "I don't get older, I level up." 


Happy Gardening! Let’s embrace this season of growth and renewal together. 


Ask Puddy – 


Ok…so we are talking about what we can glean from being outside! Don't miss the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024! It's a spectacular sky event where the moon covers the sun, briefly turning daylight into twilight. Such an awe-inspiring sight won’t return to the U.S. for another 20 years, until 2044. Make sure to wear special eclipse glasses for safe viewing – you can order online or check with your local municipalites. It’s a wonderful opportunity to experience the marvels of the cosmos, a truly unforgettable experience that bridges generations with its beauty. 


Starting Your Herb Garden


March Madness Healthy Snack Ideas